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262 private links
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Move and resize windows in macOS using keyboard shortcuts or snap areas - makes me realize how much I'm under-utilizing mosaic.
Simple and powerful keyboard enhancement on macOS
if this supports creating lists by shortcuts, would be a great checklist for gym bag, practice, etc.
Split your day into small tasks and get a visual timeline of your day
There are some meaty and capable synths available for iPad. Don
#Lightning #Logic-Pro-X #Logic-X #MIDI-bluetooth #MIDI-in #MIDI-interface #MIDI-out #app #connect-MIDI-to-Logic-X #external-instrument #iConnectMIDI #iOS #iOS-synth #iPad-synth #iRig-MIDI-2 #logic-X-plugin #low-latency-mode #music #tips #touch-synth
#Lightning #Logic-Pro-X #Logic-X #MIDI-bluetooth #MIDI-in #MIDI-interface #MIDI-out #app #connect-MIDI-to-Logic-X #external-instrument #iConnectMIDI #iOS #iOS-synth #iPad-synth #iRig-MIDI-2 #logic-X-plugin #low-latency-mode #music #tips #touch-synth